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“Bajaj - 8th July 2020 United Kingdom’ Read the otherwise blank document. This wasn’t much to go off. 

Maybe Anurag wanted the school back, was he after Rishabh?, one of his ventures maybe but which one? 

There were too many questions and what seemed like not much time to find out.

Mehra began dialling a number to find out what he could but even he seemed nervous. Walking out of the office in a hurry leaving Prerna alone to think. 

24 hours wasn’t a lot of time. She hasn’t realised when she’d sank into Rishabhs office chair and sat back repeating the same questions again and again In her in her mind. Her thinking wasn’t getting her very far. She eyed the phone on the desk and decided to make the call.


Rishabh who was sat in his chair back home picked up his phone.

“Mrs Bajaj”

He greeted her whilst looking on at the game of chess with his daughter. Kuki was learning. 

Prerna didn’t bother with the formality of a greeting. She knew he'd pick up on the distress in her voice. 

“Mr Bajaj Anurags next deal is something to do with us, our business but I don’t know what and there’s only 24 hrs till he lands here. Not barely enough time to find out.” There didn’t seem a moment of poise in her words.

He had a very simple suggestion. “Ask him..” 

“Hmm?” Reacted Prerna In surprise. Soon enough her mind clicked, "You’re right thank you” she said like a conundrum had been resolved. 

There was a natural pause where the conversion could have ended but she didn't let it.

“Atcha who’s winning or shouldn’t I ask.” She asked hearing the mind full silences and clicking of chess pieces in the background.


"As we'd guessed Anurag is due to arrive here on Tuesday." Said Mehra walking in having done his research.  Prerna having just put the phone down leans back into the chair. 

"Mr Mehra what would Mr Bajaj do?" she asked with curiosity. 

“Er invite Mr Basu to dinner would be his play.” Says Mehra with a little thought. 

Prerna looks back and agrees, yes that’s exactly what Rishabh would have done.

Her eyes say that’s exactly what they’ll do.

Mehra looked at her a little worried after all there was much history to be faced with Mr Basu unlike any other.

“Are you sure?”he asks once again but Prerna sticks by her decision. 

“Very well he says about to walk off but before doing so complementing her on how she looked at home in the CEO chair. “The chair suits you!”

The only time throughout this that she realised she’d accidentally taken up Rishabhs seat. 


Two nights in..

“Prerna are you ready?” prompted Rishabh as he stood ready for dinner with Anurag in a gentlemanly grey colour. He watched her turn from the balcony of their room and agree. The smile was for a finely dressed Mr Bajaj. 

The Grey reminded her of one of their very first encounters. The colour suited him and complimented the white of her glossy elegant saari. She wanted to seen in a corporate light yet at home. She looked beautiful. 

He complemented her in his own signature fashion that made her smile. 

She walked that little closer to adjust the strand of his tie not that it was needed, it was just a easy pretence to be close to him for a moment. 

“Forgive me..for whatever might happen out there” She says whilst looking down at his tie but meeting his gaze well when he replied.

“It won’t come to that” he glossed over the matter confidently.

“If it does?” She asked from a place of self doubt.

“You should remember that I love you matter what.” . 


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Comments (3)

Dinner with Anurag. But she has someone by her side who will help her face him.

1 months ago

You have to update the next part (ʘᴗʘ✿)

3 years ago