Like father like daughter

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Hope this keeps you going through your weekend thanks for the great feedback.

Like father like daughter

As Rishab walked towards the balcony to indulge in a cigar before bedtime he found Prerna working on planning her first ever business proposal he didn’t distract her from it and was silently pleased she’d taken a liking to the office environment. 

He wanted to to make sure she focused on her development rather than the basus destruction and his ways of getting her to do so seemed to be working.


Their early morning start meant that they had to leave Kuki in the capable hands of George. Prerna decided to dress more formally now for the office and followed Mr Bajaj’s working pattern which meant they saw Kuki less on office days but she didn’t mind. When she wanted them to stay at home she’d make a fuss to her Pa who would accommodate her. 

Kuki had made a habit of putting down her breakfast and climbing the dining table chair she was sat on so she could kiss her Pa and Ma goodbye every morning. 

“Bye sweetheart” said Rishab whilst kissing the crown of her head and Prerna pecked her cheek and gave her a cuddle.

“Muwa - be good won’t you” she said like moms did. 

“Yep” nodded Kuki with the cutest smile and shinny eyes. 


As both Rishab and Prerna stepped out of the car outside the office Prena walked around the car to follow him.  When he could feel her already  two footsteps behind him he paused. “Walk with me” he said and Prerna met his eyes for a second and then joined his side. 


Rishab sat in his office, powerfully so in  his chair he watched prerna presenting to a group of his board members in a conference room adjacent to his office. He couldn’t hear what was being said but the glass walls allowed him to see. 

From what he could see Prerna seemed to be using all the right techniques of a good presentation. 

He picked up his phone to Message Mehra asking him to leave the conference room for a moment and step into his office.

“How is Prernas proposal going Mr Mehra?” 

He asks and Mehra smiles.

“Great sir, Prerna Maam is doing a great job.”

Rishab nods neutrally but his eyes  show he’s pleased to her that and   let’s Mehra get back to the meeting.


Just before the close of the office day Rishab asked Prerna if she could run her presentation by him. Just the two of them.

Whilst Rishab sat behind his desk  Prerna stood on the other side.

For some reason being stood before him was a whole lot different to being stood in front of that board room.  Those faces she didn’t really know this one she did.

She found it hard to make eye contract. To string her words together, she was nervous and she didn’t know why. 

He was however patient but it reached a point where Prerna recognised she was struggling.

“I’m sorry” she said looking down at her bit of paper, she couldn’t explain why she was having this moment.

He learned back in his chair a little to think.

“I just feel nervous that’s all 

Shayad Aap ho is liye” (Maybe because it’s ..) she began to say but stopped she didn’t want him to think she was blurring the lines. She wasn’t they were in the office this was work and she knew that. It was just that his presence had more meaning to it then those in the boardroom.

When he watched her eyes dart and look uncomfortable and it seemed as if she’d given up he stood up walked to the side cabinet to pour her a glass of water and then walked over to hand it to her.  His footsteps could be heard all else was silent. He’s eyes didn’t say anything in particular. After a second he spoke. 

“I know you don’t like to hear about him but you will have to face Mr Basu one day you must get comfortable with your audience no matter who they are.

Remember which box you’re in Prerna.” he said in a measured tone of voice. She knew he could have been a lot more stern if he wanted to be. Something told her this was his more lenient side.

She watched him turn back and walk back towards his chair. 

This time he decided to turn his chair away from her as he sat back down. “Now try again” he asked confident she would become proficient with practice.


On the the other hand back at home Kuki decides today’s outdoor activity should be swimming. Ready in her swiming costume she pulls George out of the kitchen to supervise her at the poolside.

“Oh no not me  Kuki ..I’m scared of the water and I can’t swim..  Mary will watch over you she’s a life guard you know”

Kuki made sad eyes because George was her favourite. Maybe because of his age. He was a little Grandpa ish!

It couldn’t be helped someone else watched over her whilst she was in the pool and George stood by the side with a towel. 

Only Kuki was adamant she got out of the pool and took George by the hand. She asked him to take of his shoes role up his trousers and then put his feet into the water. There was a little bit of protest but Kukis smile and adorableness helped. Also technically speaking she was in charge. 

Soon enough George enjoyed having his feet in the water and was throwing water back at Kuki she’d thrown at him.


When both Prerna and Rishab returned home from the office that evening ..Rishab walked over to the sofa where Kuki was cuddled up with her teddy bear in a nap and Prerna walked into the kitchen.

“Good evening Mrs Bajaj, how was your day? said George who was prepping so she could put a meal together without much effort. 

“Good” said prerna. 

“How was yours, hope Kuki didn’t bother you to much.”

“Oh no - no trouble at all, a little different she’s keeping me on my toes but I learnt something new. Said George with his warm eyes.

“Yours Mrs Bajaj?” He asked back knowing Prerna had taken up something new. 

“Similar I think” she said looking out Mr Bajaj with his daughter.


Later than evening as Prerna put together their evening meal Rishab had walked into the kitchen. 

He looked over her shoulder at what she was cooking. Looked like a oven dish of some sort, the aroma certainly led him to the kitchen and the desire  to spend some time with his wife. 

Prerna was still getting used to Mr Bajajs closeness but she could sense when he was around now. 

“Looks great” he complimented over her shoulder, she could feel his proximity to her 

“Kukis favourite pasta dish”

 “She’s asleep shall, shall I wake her up?” Says Rishab dipping his finger into the dish Prerna was cutting into and tasting the sauce.”

“No, George was saying she had quite a day today she must me tired.”

“It tastes good” he commented

Prerna turned around and handed him the kitchen towel to wipe his hands.  

“Mr Bajaj, Mein aap se kuch puchu” (can I ask you a question”)

“Sure.. “ he says stepping to the sink and running his hands under the water.

“Do you think I’m doing alright?”

She meant in the office it seemed and she half expected to not answer her after what he’d taught her about home vs the office.

“Isn’t that a question for the office” he said as he closed the tap and turned towards her for the towel again. She nodded but still looked hopeful that he’d answer.

He could see it was on her mind knowing his opinion was important to her.

“ We all have a lot to learn me included” he said with relaxed look on his face and comforting eyes stepping closer to Prerna to wipe a speckle of sauce she had got on her face. Gosh he gave her goosebumps and she clouded his mind when they were this close

- “Mr Bajaj dinner” she reminded him gently and he broke away.


Kuki was bound to find out that her favourite dish was on the dinner table even if the great aroma was what helped her out of her nap.

“Pasta ..” she said with a smile when she saw them at the table. 

She was quick to climb her Pas Lap and eat out if his plate. 

Prerna smiled as she watched Kuki tell Mr Bajaj how she’d helped George into the pool today.
Like father like Daughter they say and these two certainly were. 


jagrutid2020-06-06 19:41:36

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Comments (3)

Kuki is like her father in many ways. Soon she will be like her mother too.

1 months ago

You havta update the next chapter (✿^‿^)

3 years ago