Tough Love

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Hi  sorry - busy week at work and stressful times but I’m off now long weekend and it’s also my birthday this weekend  dare I announce it.

Here we go home you like this - again sorry sorry for the delay.

Tough love 

Late afternoon in the Bajaj bedroom 

Kuki was painting at a side table whilst Prerna tided the closet.

“Pa icecream ?” Says Kuki looking up to Rishabh who is checking his email on his iPad. 

Perna smiles overhearing Kukis attempt to sweet talk her father. Whilst she continues at her task she hears her phone ring and takes the call.

Shivani ! Kaisi hai tu she says as hears her sisters voice. 

Meanwhile on the other side of the room 

Rishab looks down with smiling eyes Seeing Kuki had managed to get paint over cheeks and a speckle on her nose.

“Not today sweetheart you had one yesterday.” He says as he wipes Kukis chin with his hankerchief.

The conversation Prerna was having in the background could be heard by him although not intentionally. 

“Shivani  Kaisi hai tu” (how are you?)

“Good Atcha suno na Agle mahine ma ka birthday hai aap aogi na” Shivani per character always got straight to the point.

If Rishab had denied one thing it was return home until he agreed. Perna took the conversation into the balcony 

“Shivani shayad nahin 

Tum toh jaanti ho na kis halaat mein mene ghar chora tha.” (Maybe not Shivani, you know how things are)

“Excuse mat bano na di” (Don’t make excuses Sis” Shivani really quiet annoyed.

Prerna could feel Her sisters indifference hurt.

Hearing  her mother snatch away the phone from Shivani prerna already started feeling upset. 

“Priyu tu uski baaton mein mat aa birthdays toh hoti rehti hai.” (Take jo notice of her, birthdays come and go) 

“On the other hand Rishab put his cheek forward so kuki could kiss him goodbye for the afternoon.  He had a meeting to get to. 


“Atcha waha sab theekh hai? Mr Bajaj aur Kuki kaise hai.” (How’s everything back there, how is kuki and Mr Bajaj) 

Prerna closed her eyes for a moment as she heard her mother as ever put on that strong voice. 

She wasn’t as strong as her mother not when she could feel her heart be heavy like it was . 

“Woh theekh hai ma”

(“They’re good ma speak to them”) she said and then turned to walk into the room where Rishab and Kuki were sat.

As prernas eyes met Rishabs  as she handed over the phone he  could see she was bothered. 


She’d overheard him thank her mother for excusing Prernas absence. He was unmoved on the matter and a little bit of her hoped he’d be lenient but he wasn’t. When the call was over he prepared to leave finding her in the balcony where she was stood alone.

“Mrs Bajaj I’ll be home In time for dinner” he said kissing her on the forehead before leaving. 

She didn’t respond just accepted the kiss. This was the first time she’d felt his stern silence it felt awfully different from the Mr Bajaj that would make mountains move for her and he too understood this but didn’t talk on the matter.


George no icecream for Kuki  calls out Rishab as he walks out of the house.


As the day went on Kukis mission to get to her Icream grew stronger. 

If George wouldn’t help her she’d made a makeshift footstool to climb on to reach the freezer but all attempts still failed.


When Rishab returned home that night Prerna felt distant and quite as did Kuki.

Although prerna helped him out of his jacket and bought him a glass of water on his return into the house she gave one words answers, very distant glances . The blissful just married feeling certainly had fallen by the way side.

Kuki on the other hand similarly didn’t want to share her finished painting with her father no cared to come find him like she normally would after a day away at the office.

The silence continued at the dinning table with only the passing of plates.

Whilst prernas upset with him was more unspoken of and carried in the eyes Kuki had a more adamant nature in her annoyance.

“Pa can I..”

“Tomorrow now wash your hands and off to bed” Prerna could feel the loss of patience in Mr Bajajs voice.

 After kuki had trundled off upstairs leaving the two of them If wasn’t long before Prena was done with her food she hadn’t eaten much.

“Excuse me ..I’m tired”

“”Think of this as tough love” he says whilst finishing his food,

The problem was that it felt tougher in practice than it did in words to her.


There was no intimacy as such between them during the night, prerna slept on her side whilst of the bed whilst Rishabh lay on his back. Thinking and hoping the Rishab Bajaj way would see fruition when it came to rebuilding Prerna. 

Rest didn’t come easily and understandably saw. In rest he did get he dreamt of his past and specifically his mother.

He opened his eyes looked towards Prerna who seemed fast asleep and quietly  sat up in bed.

Turning on the lamp shade he walked towards his corner desk his instinct was to reach for his cigar however he stopped himself. 

He picked up the portrait of his mother and thought over it for a while. 


Working all night in the garage to finish off the paint work on a car that’s what he remembered, walking into their home and his mother sat waiting for him. 

Lemonade she made him fresh lemonade at 12:30 midnight..

“Ma I don’t see why you bother” he remembered saying to her on murmurous occasions. What she had to say in return came to mind today stronger than ever.

“Because it’s the little things that make the difference”

As poured his own glass of lemonade at the kitchen counter it wasn’t as authentic as the one his mother made but it was certainly reminded him of his mother.

Sat the kitchen on his own in front of his drink for a few mins Rishab hears some small footsteps and sees kuki at the entrance of the kitchen. 

He smiled, “come here” he said softly and kuki walked in and climbed into the chatr in front of him. 

“Can’t sleep?” Kuki nods 

“Me neither”  says Rishabh

Kuki watches her pa walk to the feeezer take out icecream and put it down in front of her.

Kukis eyes glow and the smile on her face grows instantly making Rishab smile too.

His mother was right the little things in life certainly mattered.

A little later on he spots Prerna at the entrance of the kitchen just about to leave having seen the father daughter moment “Mrs Bajaj ..” he calls.


Prerna watched as kuki enjoyed her Icecream and had adorable child like questions on icecream. 

She was talking to herself for the best part of it. 

Feeling Mr Bajajs hand wrapped around hers at the table made her look his way.

More importantly into his eyes, 

“you should go ..” he said lovingly.”

Bajaj took a backseat it seemed and Rishab was talking. Meaningfully..

After Prerna took on board what he’d suggested she took a pause. Yes she wanted to see her family and yes she found his restraint on her painful this was warm and caring. She’d heard him talking about his mother to Kuki and  knew that was made him reflect. These two sides to him was what made him her rock. 

“I won’t go until you think I’m ready” -(Nahin jana hai jab tak aap na kaho.”)

Rishabh looks on at Prerna to see a strength in her eyes he was proud of..

jagrutid2020-05-22 08:54:38

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Comments (3)

Indulgence with your family around. This is what sweet moments are made of.

1 months ago

Happy birthday to you, now update the next chapter. (≧▽≦)

3 years ago