King and Queen 1

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King and Queen 1

George knocked on the surface of Prernas bedroom door. Every morning he bought Prerna her bed tea and the daily newspaper. Prerna read the business column the way Rishab would every morning. This was one of prernas many tactics to learning the ‘game’ as suggested by him. 

“A message from Mr Bajaj mam.” Said George as Prerna sat up in bed and thanked him for her tea “ Mr Bajaj asks that you take a little extra rest this morning, as you’ll be having your normal meeting a little later, sir has a appointment with his doctor.”

“The doctor” Prerna thought after a second before becoming a little worried. 


A little later.. as Prerna walks into the lounge she sees Rishab thanking the doctor. The doctor taking leaving and asking Mr. Bajaj to look after himself. 

“Aap theek hai?” said Prerna with worry written all over her face. 

“Yes Blood pressure is off the mark a little that’s all” says Rishab fixing the sleeve of his shirt. 

“George!, Breakfast please” he calls but Prerna insists she would make the breakfast. 

“I’ll make it aap aaram kijiyey” before he can batter a eyelid she was off into the kitchen.


He was tall,handsome and grey, kind and Prerna had spent all her time over these last few days and particularly today observing things about Mr Bajaj at the breakfast table.

The way he was well spoken 

His charisma when he talked about things work related

His authority when he told someone in his office off over the phone. 

His kindness and care when speaking to house staff who had bought him the wrong topping on his toast.

Every little thing she took note of subconsciously and pondered it.

“Ready..when you are” he said finishing off his coffee, I’ll be in the lounge”

Prerna wondered why he didn’t choose his study for their catch up but she had become accustomed to his ways of teaching her in the Bajaj manner. 


She walked into the lounge where he was sat looking influential in his arm chair.

“Do you play chess Prerna?”

“Nahin but I did watch my papa play when I was younger” 

Good, take a seat he asks her and she perched on the chair opposite him. In between them was the chess board. 

“Now tell me what you think the aim of the game is?” He had very mysterious eyes at certain times thought Prerna distracted by his gaze.

“To win” she answered a little confused

“Try again” he didn’t accept that as a answer.

“To win ..” she said again adamant she was right.

She watched him as he rearranged some pieces on the board to make two pieces stand out. -The king and the queen.

His tone true to his personality very distinct.

“More important than winning is protecting what you care about, the king protects the queen, the queen protects the king. The same principle applies in good business.”

“You seem distracted Prerna, he calls her out as he’d noticed she seemed somewhat dazed. If your mind is with Mr Basu then ..” he only got part way before Prerna jumped in.

“It’s not!! Aap Aisa kaise keh bhi sakte hai 

I’m not thinking about him.. I’m thinking about you!!!”

She says in a huff and then leaves taking him by surprise.

..  to be continued 

Note: I’ve decided to split this one into part 1 and 2.

Part 2 coming up shortly if you guys enjoy this one! Please leave your thoughts, good or bad.

Stay safe all! 


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Comments (3)

Thats a different way of looking at chess. Not in terms of winning, but in terms of defending.

1 months ago

You have to update the next part (✿^‿^)

3 years ago