The Godfather (#IFFA2020) Thumbnail

The Godfather (#IFFA2020)
Ongoing G

Thursday,Aug 27, 2020 10:31 AM GMT-06:00

MistyDevil Thumbnail



Summary: SIDDHANT BHARDWAJ, An adolescent enjoying his life to the fullest and fulfilling his love lady's big and small wishes, while a group of gangsters were seeking an opportunity to kill him as he happens to be look-alike of rajasthan's Don ARYAN JAI SINGH.....

How are two of them look similar?
Why are the thugs trying to kill him?
How will he save his own life?
Author's Note: Writing....Writing is my hobby....Writing in rosid is my passion...why should I get myself divert from my passion because of likes, comments and viwes?.....

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