Bekhayali Thumbnail

Abandoned G

Wednesday,Jun 17, 2020 14:20 PM GMT-06:00

WildestDreams Thumbnail



Summary: Eight friends, eight youngsters full of live who grew up together, sharing secrets, problems, worries and ups and down of life. Everything is blissful until one night. That night.

Dreams vanished, hearts got shattered and relation fell apart. A decision was taken.

After years, two hearts will beat for the first time together.
Are 14 days enough to fill the void of 5 years of separation and bring close two people who moved on in their respective life?

Let’s find it out in Bekhayali-Without Thoughts
Author's Note: Hey,

I started this FF seven years back with another title but never had the chance to finish it as life happened. Now I am back again on IF and I am willing to finish. So I will go through the chapters as I have posted so far. I will add them here after editing them. Means correct mistakes, typos and adding/deleting scenes according to how I want to continue with the story.

Hope you will like this story and follow this journey of Arnav and Khushi.

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