Between Truth and Lies Thumbnail

Between Truth and Lies
Completed G

Friday,Sep 16, 2022 08:30 AM GMT-06:00

oh_nakhrewaali Thumbnail

oh nakhrewaali


Summary: A single piece of paper cannot change the future, they said. They were wrong.
Author's Note: I tried to explore every character and their relationships, and of course, since this is mostly from what I heard from tournesol and BlurredLines, maybe it's not canon accurate, but I hope it is because I wrote a canon complaint story after ages. That being said, so sorry for making this serial type because that was my plan all along.
Gosh, I never wrote a 3000ish word-lengthed OS, but everything in this show feels stupid so I had to attempt a plot driven fix-it. Trigger Warning: Emotional abuse

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