Svapnāyamāno jaladair nimīlita-guhā-mukho bāh'ūpadhāne Kṛṣṇasya Thumbnail

Svapnāyamāno jaladair nimīlita-guhā-mukho bāh'ūpadhāne Kṛṣṇasya
Completed G

Tuesday,Jul 12, 2022 22:48 PM GMT-06:00

BrhannadaArmour Thumbnail



Summary: Held up by Kṛṣṇa's hand while the clouds sent by Śakra pour rain all over the place, the hill Govardhana tells his story and describes the experience of being lifted into the sky to touch the clouds.
Author's Note: The title is from Mahābhārata: Harivaṃśa, and means "Experiencing dreams from the rainclouds, cave-openings shut tight, on the pillow of Kṛṣṇa's arm."

This story is an entry in the Barso Re: Monsoon Festival OS Contest. Trigger Warning: Extent of Trigger Warnings : mild; Trigger Warnings : slaughter of animals, mention of regurgitation and loss of limbs.

No Content Warnings.

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