Jungli #ReadersChoiceAwards Thumbnail

Jungli #ReadersChoiceAwards
Completed G

Friday,Feb 25, 2022 10:23 AM GMT-07:00

Sarcy Thumbnail



Summary: One year ago, Aditya Kumar Tripathi got forcefully married to Imlie in the most unexpectedly dramatic circumstances. The year that followed was full of drama, coupled with trauma, hate and pain. He hadn't spared a moment to make Imlie’s life as miserable as she has made his by marrying him.

Then, suddenly, life began to smile at him and threw in a sprinkling of happiness. Imlie and him fell in love with each other. And just when things were beginning to get better, Imlie walked out on him, and he hated her for it. He hated her from the bottom of his heart and did everything to make her regret her decision and punish her for it – including divorcing her and marrying Malini.

But he still never truly understood why she had walked out on him in the first place. She had explained her reasons, but he never really understood them. Until one night, he ends up being a witness to some private moments between Imlie and Aryan that make him realise why had Imlie really walked out on him.

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