TV Actors share how EXCITED they are for 'Game Of Thrones'..!

The sixth season is all set to air tonight in USA...

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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"The real war is between the living and the dead; and make no mistake; THE DEAD ARE COMING". The epic saga Game Of Thrones' always manages to come up with that one tagline which gives you goosebumps.

Well, yes!! The D-Day has arrived! The ten month long, wrenching and humdrum wait is FINALLY over..! The sixth season of Game Of Thrones' is all set to go on air from today and everyone is just counting every second to it!

And when I say EVERYONE, I mean our beloved TV actors too! Yeap! Their busy schedules don't stop them from following the biggest drama of modern television. We asked our celebrities about how excited they are and what are they expecting this time around?

I am super excited for season 6, Game of Thrones is humongous and it gets better and better with every season.
What are you expecting?
The most exciting part is that now they have finished the storylines from the book; hence, whatever we are going to witness in season 6 is going to be absolutely unpredictable and new for both, the show viewers as well as the readers. This will be a first, for the most portion. So we will get answers to all our questions that we've been waiting for since the last book came out. Of course, the biggest question is, IS JON SNOW ALIVE?? Plus they have promised a couple of battles and both the dragons and white walkers are coming to the fore, which is what I have been waiting for since the show's inception. I can't wait to catch up with Tyrion, Jamie, Varys and others. And Jon is totes alive!

I am extremely excited and have always been when it comes to Game Of Thrones'.
What are you expecting?
The last season ended with Jon Snow being dead, but there are major speculations about him being alive! I am excited about how every other character unfolds too. I want Daenerys to get her right and Arya to get a safe place. Lots of expectations!!

When it comes to 'Game Of Thrones', I surely watch it! And the sixth season is coming up which gets me very excited.

Ridhi Dogra Vashishth

I am a huge 'Game Of Thrones' fan and I can't wait for the sixth season!
What are you expecting?
Expecting the unexpected as always! That is what makes the show so amazing! You never know what is gonna happen or who is gonna DIE! And when it comes to this season, let's say, you never know who is gonna come back from the dead (winks).

I am an avid 'Game Of Thrones' watcher and waiting for the sixth season to rock and roll!
What are you expecting?
Well, I am all set to pounce on the episodes like the bear pounced on Leonardo Di Caprio in 'The Revenant'. I can't wait to see Brandon Stark fly the dragons!

I am very excited about the sixth season of 'Game Of Thrones' and totally looking forward to it!
What are you expecting?
Well, in the shortest manner, I can say is that, it's gonna break all the records, as usual!

I love 'Game Of Thrones' and I got to really catch up, as I am binge-watching the show. With sixth season coming up, I have to catch up.
What are you expecting?
The show is so unpredictable and as I am still not at the end of season five, the most upsetting part for me was Lord Ned Stark's beheading scene! The show gets you crazy!

I am a massive Game Of Thrones' fann and watch it with my friend, Mehul Vyas.
What are you expecting?
I am sure that Arya Stark is finally gonna be killing it this season and unlike others, I am not expecting Jon Snow to be alive!

Well, the actors seem pretty excited and pumped about the show! And I am excited too! The year-long wait is finally over! Winter is Here! Brace yourselves!

Kunal Kothari

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Comments (60)

Love you Niti Taylor!!!
Love you Niti Taylor

8 years ago

My one n only sunshine Niti Taylor... Missing u alot...LOVE u baby doll

8 years ago

Mugdha Chaphekar is the best.

Karan V Grover rocks.

8 years ago

Shine brighter and brighter Niti Taylor..
Shine brighter and brighter Niti Taylor..

8 years ago

Shine brighter and brighter Niti Taylor..

8 years ago

You are such an amaging person Niti Taylor

8 years ago

Niti Taylor you are the best.. You rocks..

8 years ago

Let us watch together Niti Taylor .. ;-)

8 years ago

Waiting for your full come back Niti Taylor

8 years ago

Waiting for your full come back Niti Taylor

8 years ago

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