Teri Meri Doriyaann: Daljeet arrives at the Brar Mansion

Teri Meri Doriyaann written update, 7 May 2024: A van filled with flowers arrives at the Brar Mansion, concealing Daljeet within.

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Teri Meri Doriyaann: Daljeet arrives at the Brar Mansion
Daljeet from Teri Meri Doriyaann. Image Courtesy: Star Plus

Tonight's Teri Meri Doriyaann opens with Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) arriving in Ludhiana. Akeer quickly identifies Simran as the person who ousted him from the science competition and informs Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria). Despite Simran's attempts to defend herself by claiming ignorance of Akeer's identity, Angad intervenes, cutting her off. He proceeds to introduce his family to Akeer. When Akeer inquires about how to address Jabjyot, she suggests he call her "Bebe," as everyone else does. Akeer then queries Angad about his mother's whereabouts.

Sahiba alights from the truck and expresses gratitude to the driver for the ride before departing for the Brar mansion. Amu and her family subsequently arrive at the Brar mansion. Armindergill Gill asks Angad about their next course of action, to which Angad replies that they will discuss it later. Angad assures Akeer that he is attempting to reach Sahiba and promises to contact her soon. Akeer questions Angad about Sahiba's awareness of this address, to which Angad responds that Sahiba could never forget it.

Later, Akeer introduces himself to the Brar family that he is the son of Daljeet and Sahiba. Angad assigns Jasleen to accompany Akeer. The Brar family confronts Angad about his failure to disclose the truth to Akeer about his paternity. Angad assures them he will reveal it in due time. Concerned about Daljeet's potential arrival, Hansraj asks Angad about their contingency plans. Angad asserts that Daljeet will not be allowed to meet Akeer under any circumstances.

Akeer demands his parents' presence:

Amidst attempts to contact Angad, Amu is ignored as Angad ponders over Akeer. Harneet reassures Amu, promising to handle everything. Armindergill queries Harneet about her plans, to which she asserts she will do whatever it takes to ensure her daughter's happiness. Angad escorts Akeer to his room and showcases it to him. Akeer then queries Angad about his parents, and Angad assures him they will arrive soon. However, Akeer becomes despondent and refuses to emerge from under the bed until his parents are present. 

Angad receives a call from the police, informing him of Daljeet's prison escape. This prompts Angad to tighten the security of the Brar Mansion, passing Diljeet's photograph to his team. Later, a van filled with flowers arrives at the Brar Mansion, concealing Daljeet within. Security requests permission to inspect the vehicle's contents. Daljeet, visibly tense, remains hidden amidst the flowers. Despite Harneet's attempts to prevent the inspection, Angad issues firm orders for the security to proceed with checking the van.

Precap for the next episode:

In the precap, Daljeet is depicted holding Akeer on one side and Sahiba on the other. Angad is faced with the dilemma of choosing whom to save.

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