Friends: The Reunion: The one where Jennifer, David, Lisa and company make you feel bittersweet with nostalgia

Friends: The Reunion is now streaming and well, while it is called 'the one where they get back together', it seems to be difficult to keep it together. Read what India-Forums has to say about it as they take us through quite the journey.

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Sanchita Jhunjhunwala

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Friends The Reunion

236 episodes, 10 seasons, watched over 100 billion times, that is what F.R.I.E.N.D.S is. While these are mere numbers, the show is truly an emotion. Those who have watched the show, know everything that it stands for, and Friends: The Reunion is everything that we could use right now. Jennifer Aniston, David Schimmer, Courteney Cox, Matthew Perry, Matt Leblanc, and Lisa Kudrow, all in the same room and on the screen for the one last time, could I BE any more nostalgic?

The Friends reunion starts off with the cast members walking in one by one and the sheer happiness of seeing them meet each other while they reminisce their days from the show is so pure, and how. And oh, Jennifer crying is cute, yep, I said it. As Courteney also got teary-eyed, she goes on to ask if others are crying too, and Jen agrees, and there we have our Rachel and Monica, right there. Lisa goes on to say right in front of Lady Gaga how no one does it better than her, and there we have our Phoebe. Matthew and Matt comfortably adjusting to their chairs is the moment we are reminded of Chandler and Joey. And finally, we have David quizzing everyone up, reminding us of how nobody can do Ross, like him! 


The reunion was all about a bunch of absolutely precious moments being captured. Right from Jennifer and David talking about how it feels like to get back together to the 6 of them talking about their favourite episodes, we do see it all. They recreate the quiz and that also called for a bunch of surprise entries, while a handful of supporting cast members, including Gunther and Janice joining in when the time is right. The questions for the quiz this time are what make you feel all the more nostalgic. 

Amongst the guests I personally loved is that from Reese Witherspoon, who played Rachel's sister, and we totally see how she is fangirling over them just as much as all of us. They also do a table reading of a bunch of scenes, including the one where Monica gets stung by a jellyfish, the one where everyone comes to know about Chandler and Monica, and also, Rachel and David's first kiss.

Can we please talk about how Jennifer and David were actually crushing over each other during the first season but actually never confessed? As it turns out, the two were dating other people at different points in time, and Jennifer added how it is probably why and how they directed all the affection and love towards each other through their characters. And that, if you ask me, is absolutely the most beautiful thing ever. Also, this means that I can never watch F.R.I.N.D.S the same way anymore because oh boy, there seems to be many so feelings involved and how.

friends reunion

One of the best parts about the Friends reunion is how as they reminisced their first and their time during the shoot, I also happened to recall how I felt when I saw them the first time, or when I saw certain scenes the first time, and my heart was exploding. As the writers truly mentioned, had there been a single different actor, things would have been so different, but it is good that they aren't, and thanks to the makers for putting together such an amazing cast. Hearing the makers narrate stories of how each and everyone is cast is also about a bunch of interesting stories.

All the insights and unknown facts about the stories written and the ones that they shared truly have your heart. For instance, Chandler and Monica weren't the meant-to-be-together story, however, it was the reaction from the audience that got them to make it everything they turned it into and could we have asked for anything more? 

friends reunion

One of the best parts, hands down, about the show is the reaction of the cast members on the bloopers. Everything got me to laugh my guts out, even though we have seen the scenes but well, there's so much more to it after all. Finally, all 6 of them also tell us what they think their characters would have been doing right now and Matt's answer is one of my favourites. Two of the most bittersweet moments from Friends: The Reunion are when Lisa reminds us how there shouldn't be more of them because it would mean that everything will have to be unraveled. Another one is where we have Courteney remind us how this is the last time they are doing this or talking about getting back together because 15 years down the line, they won't be answering the same question.

friends reunion

Then there are blink and miss guest appearances, the kind we think should have either been fewer and elaborate or not there at all. Every now and then, we do feel a disconnect from what we are seeing, but why do we care, because as a fan of the show, I was still hoping for it to not end until the very last scene.

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Comments (1)

All those queries are true about david and Jennifer, even i was like how could they not confess it has been what like more than 25 years...

Also i felt Matthew Perry was somewhat reserved or not given enough dialogues i dont know I felt that... We wanted a moment of Chandler and Monica , i mean they were the best and the most matured couple of show

But then there are a lot of things we wanted and not all could have taken place cause more or less we already have started missing them.
They came and they were gone just in a blink of eye.
Thank you guys for sharing this and let me help share my inside feelings.
Friends are forever ans so is our love for them🖤

3 years ago

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