Anchal Tiwari directly addresses false reports of her death, condemning media misinformation

Panchayat 2 fame actress Anchal Tiwari herself refuted her death news today on her Instagram, clarifying that it was a case of mistaken identity.

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Anchal Tiwari
Panchayat 2 fame Anchal Tiwari. Image Courtesy: Anchal's Instagram

The recent news reported the tragic death of Anchal Tiwari, known for her role in Panchayat 2, in a road accident in Bihar on Sunday. However, Anchal herself refuted the news on Wednesday, February 28, clarifying that it was a case of mistaken identity as the person who died in the accident was a Bhojpuri actress.

Stating that Anchal Tiwari, of Panchayat 2 fame, is alive, she asserted her presence and well-being in a video shared on Instagram, emphasizing the distress the false news caused to her loved ones. Anchal urged media outlets to verify facts before dissemination and called for integrity and responsibility in reporting. She clarified that she has no relation to the Bhojpuri industry, as she is part of Hindi cinema, and requested that people not make any comparisons between her and the mentioned industry.

Check out Anchal's video here: herself refuted her death news. Video Courtesy: Anchal's Instagram

In her Instagram post, Anchal also addressed comparisons to Poonam Pandey, attributing them to media sensationalism rather than her own actions.

Anchal Tiwari
Anchal Tiwari's alive hoaxes. Image Courtesy: Anchal's Instagram

The actress even took to her Instagram story and wrote, "Shame on the media. To all media outlets, I am alive and well, blessed by God's grace! It has come to my attention that false information claiming I was in a car accident and passed away has been circulated using my picture. This unprofessional and disgraceful act has intensely traumatized me. I urge all media outlets to be diligent in fact- checking before circulating information. Using someone's image in such a misleading way is unacceptable and hostile. Let's hold ourselves to higher standards of integrity and responsibility." 

"Please help me spread the truth by sharing this post and putting an end to these malicious rumours. Let's all strive for accuracy, respect, and empathy in our reporting. Thank you to everyone who has reached out with concern I truly appreciate your support," concluded the actress.

For the unversed, in Panchayat 2, Anchal Tiwari portrayed the character of Raveena, Parmeshwar's daughter.

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Fake death news is scary didn’t media learn from Poonam incident

3 months ago

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