Abdu Rozik's mental health is getting affected due to trolling about his wedding, slipping into Depression

Abdu Rozik, filled with anticipation for his upcoming wedding to Amira, finds himself grappling with profound sadness as social media trolls relentlessly mock his joyous occasion

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Abdu Rozik

Abdu Rozik, filled with anticipation for his upcoming wedding to Amira, finds himself grappling with profound sadness as social media trolls relentlessly mock his joyous occasion. Despite Abdu's earnest efforts to share his happiness, the callousness of online commentators threatens to overshadow his excitement, casting a shadow over his mental well-being.

Having recently announced the date of his wedding, set for 7th July, Abdu is disheartened by the mockery he faces. Detractors, citing his youth, height, stature dismiss his impending marriage as a mere prank, inflicting deep wounds on Abdu's sentiments. Some people are trolling Abdu because they think he's too young and short to get married, saying it's just a prank. But these comments are hurting his feelings a lot.

Expressing his anguish, Abdu shares his concerns for Amira and her family, who are also subjected to the same negativity. He laments, "I am deeply hurted by the negative and nasty comments. It's distressing to see Amira and her loved ones affected by this cruelty, "I'm worried about Amira and her family too. They're also seeing these mean comments, which isn't good. I'm very upset with these people."

He also said, "I need blessings, but people are making fun of me. It's really affecting my mental health, and I'm getting depressed. I don't understand why people are judging me like this." "I have feelings too. I can fall in love, Why can't people accept that? These nasty comments have shattered me."

Abdu also reveals the hurtful jokes he endures about his height and being a man which is not acceptable," he adds. "No one has the right to comment on appearance in such a hurtful manner. I am really offended by these comments."

Abdu has been affected a lot by these troll comments. We shouldn't judge anyone based on how they look. Everyone has their own lives, and we need to understand that. Judging others can really hurt their mental health. Abdu is very upset by all of this.

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Abdu Rozik

Comments (1)

It is so sick of people who troll every second person for their weaknesses, deficiency and inability. Come on people, our tomorrow is'nt in our hands.

23 days ago

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